
"Development of tools for self-representation & support of leadership skills of Class A members of the Board of Directors of KoiSPE"

The Sub-Project of self-supervision aimed, on the one hand, to strengthen the selfrepresentation of Co-operatives KoiSPE emanating from category A of co-operatives (persons with serious psycho-social problems) in the special context of KoiSPE. The action supported the nurturing and development of the administrative and leadership skills of the cooperative members of category A' who were elected and represented the persons with serious psychosocial problems in the collective management bodies (Board & General Assembly of KoiSPE and General Assembly of POKoiSPE).

The objective of the Sub-Project was:

- Improving the skills of advocacy and self-representation of the target group and the choice of the best form of collectivity for the group’s essential representation, both in the movement of KoiSPE and labor rights, as well as more broadly, in committees and bodies for the defense of rights and the destigmatization of the mentally ill,

- The implementation of a series of actions to support the creation, operation and monitoring of the collective body of advocacy and self-representation of A category members and employees with the KoiSPE. The physical object of the actions focused on the target group of the A category Members of the Boards of Directors of KoiSPE. to strengthen their administrative and leadership skills and abilities.

Decision of Implementation by Own Means - Sub-project 1