Program Description

Supported Employment Program for Mental Health Recipients and People with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
The Program concerns the creation of an innovative network of inclusion in the workplace called EGYA (Specialized in Supported Employment Offices) implemented by the Panhellenic Federation of Social Cooperatives of Limited Liability (POKοiSPE) through the two-year pilot operation (5) of EGYA offices nationwide.
The EGYA Network has been included in the Act entitled "Creation of a Supported Employment Network for People with Serious Mental Illnesses and people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), through the operation of Specialized in Supported Employment Offices by POKoiSPE and Koispe" with MIS Code: 5217909, funded by the Ministry of Health through the Sectoral Development Program 2021-2025 which aims at the integration/inclusion of mental health service users and people with ASD of high and medium functionality in the open labor market.
This initiative is based on the supported employment model which is a personcentered approach to tackle the challenges and discrimination faced by mental health service users and people with ASD when they seek to find and maintain a job in the open labor market, since they tend to face problems such as social stigma, discrimination and lack of adequate support services.