Sub-Project 2 Supported Employment

Υποστηριζόμενη Απασχόληση

"Development, standardization and implementation of supported employment tools for persons with psychosocial problems and enhancing the competence and the administrative and management capacity of KoiSPE"

Sub-project 2 concerned the assignment, through an open tender process, to a specialized contractor, of the works for the development and implementation of all the necessary tools that will strengthen the adequacy of both the workforce (category A and the general population) and the KoiSPE as production units.

The project aimed to fill the gap created by the special status that governs an LLSC as therapeutic and business entity and makes it vulnerable to competition. For this reason:

  1.  Regarding the therapeutic entity, the Contractor, with a team of specialized experts, developed and will implement a specialized pilot model of Supported Employment adapted to the needs of LLSC. The implementation of the model will facilitate the access of A' class workers to employment, make them professionally competitive and contribute to maintaining their jobs.

    This specialized service will be provided within the mental health unit of KoiSPE.

  2. As for the business entity, given that KoiSPE are active in a multitude of economic and business activities, they must be fully informed and adequate administratively and managerially, adapting the business processes to the conditions that govern them due to their therapeutic nature. Therefore, the need to standardize all administrative and management procedures, depending on their field of activity, is imperative, in order to provide the means that will make manpower an essential factor in the viability of KoiSPE.

The Contractor, with the involvement of a group of specialized business consultants regarding organization and reorganization, delved into the special operational capabilities and needs of the KoiSPE and identified the strengths and weaknesses arising from the nature of the business field in which each and every one of them operates. The proposals of the Contractor's expert group aimed to strengthen competitiveness and ensure the viability of KoiSPE as competitive businesses in their field.

Additionally, the Contractor developed the appropriate digital tools that will contribute to the development of the administrative and operational efficiency of the KoiSPE.