The Action


“Complete program of intervention for the support of Social Cooperatives (KoiSPE) of Article 12 of Law 2716/1999 in the direction of improving the administrative and managements abilities.”

The Special Management Service of the Operational Program “Public Sector Reform 2014- 2020 issued No. 425/19-11-2019 Decision for Inclusion of the Action “Complete program of intervention for the support of Social Cooperatives (KoiSPE) of Article 12 of Law 2716/1999 in the direction of improving the administrative and managements abilities” with code MIS 50441861 in the Operational Program “Public Sector Reform 2014-2020” with beneficiary of the Action the Panhellenic Federation of Limited Liability Social Cooperatives of Law 2716/99 as the main and complete tool of social reintegration of mentally ill persons.

The strategic objective of the Action is to strengthen the Mental Health system, and in particular its services for the promotion of the Mentally ill persons in employment and social integration, with the development of two very essential, necessary and innovative tools. The first is a model of self-representation and advocacy for the mentally ill who have already taken the first steps of their social and economic reintegration and the second is the Supported Employment model that will shield the employment of these persons and make them professionally competitive.

The Action includes 3 Sub-Projects with distinct actions and 29 different deliverables:

Self-supervision: "Development of tools for self-representation & support of leadership skills of Class A members of the Board of Directors of KoiSPE"

Sub-project 2: "Development, standardization and implementation of supported employment tools for persons with psychosocial problems and enhansing the competence and the administrative and management capacity of KoiSPE."

Sub-project 3: "Evaluation of the project as a whole and its results"

You can find out more about the deliverables of the Action by following this link