

The Purpose of POKoiSPE as the secondary collective organization of the Limited Liability Social Cooperatives is to:

01. Advance

the Limited Liability Social Cooperatives opposite the Greek State, and all manners of collective, national European and international organizations.

02. Represent

των Κοι.Σ.Π.Ε. έναντι της Ελληνικής Πολιτείας και σε κάθε είδους συλλογικά, εθνικά, ευρωπαϊκά και διεθνή όργανα.

03. H Project

subjects of interest to the Limited Liability Social Cooperatives as well as briefing and information sharing between Limited Liability Social Cooperatives.

04. Co-operate

Together with the Greek State and the European Union and their organizations, in pursuing and achieving solutions regarding problems facing Limited Liability Social Cooperatives.

05. Support

The rights of persons with psycho-social issues, as well as consolidating the principles and targets of communal psychiatry and zoning of the mental health services in the Greek State.

06. Promote

Social solidarity economy and social entrepreneurship and supporting ethical activities, ethical trade and ethical business activities.

07. Develop

In cooperation with the Limited Liability Social Cooperatives or independently, of entrepreneurial and financial activities, research, scientific study, and educational activities. The above actions being noncompeting directly or indirectly with those of our members, having as a goal the financial benefit for the Limited Liability Social Cooperatives and their members.

POKoiSPE believes that the Social Cooperative Movement can play a catalytic role in the effort of the productive reconstruction of the country. Furthermore, Social Solidarity Entrepreneurship should form in practice the third dynamic pillar of the economy and strive for the aforementioned directions.